Applications to simulate haircut

Applications to simulate haircut
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The applications to simulate haircut they allow you to try on different hairstyles and cuts directly on your face.

If you are thinking of changing your look but you are undecided and do not want to take the risk of regretting it, then know that there are applications to simulate haircuts.

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These applications offer different cuts, hairstyles and even different colors that you can test on your face.

In fact, just insert a photo of yourself in the application, preferably with your hair up, and then choose between the different cutting options.

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Below I will show you a few applications to simulate haircut.

1- Hairstyles - Hairstyles                                    

This application is mainly dedicated to women.

To use it you just have to select your photo and then start having fun by changing your look.

So you can choose between long or short hair, straight or with curls. And even if you prefer them colored or your natural color.

You can also change the color and shape of your eyebrows to match your new one haircut.

And again you can insert accessories and jewels.

Hairstyles is available for Android.

2- Hair Styler

Hair Styler it is suitable for both men and women.

In fact, this is a fun photo editing application, with which you can create photo collections with your looks.

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So if you are a man who is thinking about letting a beard grow. With this application you can try out different beard, mustache and short hair styles.

You will just have to insert your photo and try the different cuts.

Hair Styler applications to simulate haircut is only available for Android.

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3- Hairstyles for Your Face 

This application is made to find out which is the most suitable cut for the shape of your face.

This is very useful if you have no idea where to start and think you've never found your haircut.

In fact, once the photo is taken, the application will analyze the shape of your face and tell you if it is oval, square, round, etc.

Then based on your shape, the application will show you different cut styles and hairstyles made for you.

This application is available for mobile Apple.

4- Hairstyle Makeover

This application, like the previous ones, offers different cutting styles to try on your face.

Plus, it can be used by both men and women, as it also has the option for a beard and mustache.

After choosing the cut, you can share the final result on Facebook and know what your friends think.

Hairstyle Makeover is available for Apple.

5- Style My Hair

Finally this application to simulate haircut developed by L'Oreal.

Style My Hair it is mainly dedicated to testing different hair colors.

In fact it has a huge collection of hair colors and some cutting styles.

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Once you have created your new hair style, the application will show you the hairdressing shops closest to you so that you can make an appointment.

Style My Hair is available for Apple And Android.