Main vaccines for pets

Main vaccines for pets
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In this text we will introduce the major pet vaccines, what they are and what they fight.

If you have got a puppy dog or a kitten and you are inquiring about the vaccines they need to do, then here you will find information about it.

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Vaccines have the function of strengthening the immune system and preventing the spread of infectious diseases.

For this reason, when you take a puppy that has not yet been vaccinated, your veterinarian will warn you that he will not be able to have contact with other animals.

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Exactly to avoid the contagion of diseases that your immune system is not yet able to fight.

So vaccines are necessary for the health of our beloved pet.

Let's see then i major pet vaccines: dogs and cats.

Vaccines for dogs

If you have just got a puppy and you want to know what vaccines you need to give him and what they are for, then let's see together.

The first vaccination must be done in the first 6-8 weeks of life. This first vaccination covers Distemper virus and Parvovirus.

Distemper is a disease that attacks the brain, intestines and lungs and can be fatal in some cases.

On the other hand, Parvovirus is a very infectious virus.

This is why it is very dangerous because if a puppy takes it it can spread to the entire litter. In addition, the Parvovirus attacks the intestine and red blood cells.

Thereafter, a second dose of vaccine must be given which protects the dog from the same viruses as the first dose, ie Distemper and Parvovirus, as well as Adenovirus.

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This second dose is given by the 11th and 12th week of life.

Adenovirus is the virus that causes infectious hepatitis and infectious tracheobronchitis, also called kennel cough.

Then hepatitis in adults causes severe abdominal pain, while in puppies it can be fatal.

While kennel cough is characterized by a dry or phlegm cough.

In addition to these 3 major pet vaccines, there are others that may or may not be carried out.

This depends on the area you live in and the dog's lifestyle.

So we always recommend that you ask your veterinarian to find out what's best for your beloved dog.

Vaccines for cats

THE major pet vaccines for the cat they change if he usually stays in the apartment or goes out on the street.

In any case, kittens must be vaccinated between 2 and 3 months of age, which is when weaning begins.

In fact, it is the mother's milk that gives him all the antibodies to protect himself from viruses.

So once weaned they will have to vaccinate with a trivalent vaccine against herpes virus, calicivirus and panlecopenia.

The herpes virus is transmitted with saliva, which is why it is very infectious and weakens the immune system to the point of causing leukemia.

The calicivirus does not allow the cat to eat as it attacks the oral cavity.

Finally, panlecopenia causes gastrointeritis which can weaken the cat and therefore be fatal for the younger ones.