3 restaurant recommendations

3 restaurant recommendations
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Here you go 3 restaurant recommendations to help you choose the restaurant that meets your expectations.

The moment of the meal is considered, especially in Italy, the most important moment of the day, where you can enjoy a good dish in relaxation.

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For this reason, in order not to find ourselves eating something we don't like so much, it is necessary to know how to choose the right restaurant.

So today we decided to give you 3 restaurant recommendations, to be able to enjoy lunch or dinner in a good restaurant and leave satisfied.

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Reviews and food guides

The first thing we all do when we have to choose a restaurant is to look for information about it.

Which can come from friends, or from sites or from gastronomic guides.

Recommendations from friends are very useful and reliable, but we are not always in a city where we have this knowledge.

Then in that case we resort to reviews on the internet or to gastronomic guides.

The food guides are very helpful and reliable. Among the most famous, the Michelin Guide and the Gambero Rosso.

Then check the restaurant scores and value for money, to choose the restaurant.

Instead the reviews on sites like Tripadvisor must be read carefully, because one can fall into deception.

To avoid this, always check that the restaurant has many reviews and ratings.

In this way you are sure that it is a very busy restaurant and therefore of good quality.

This is the first of 3 restaurant recommendations.

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The menu

Whether you are looking on the internet or directly at the restaurant entrance, the menu can give us various indications on what to expect.

So a good restaurant should have a menu with different options and with written prices.

Another indication of the quality of the restaurant are the descriptions of the dishes.

In fact, too redundant descriptions with terms like crunchy tasty appetizing are not to be taken very seriously.

Better simple and clear descriptions. Also with indications for those with food intolerances or preferences, for example for celiacs or vegans.

Plus, always look for restaurants that use seasonal produce. This is a good sign of quality.

Instead, when there are more refined and delicious ingredients on the menu, it probably means that the chef has a great technique and is therefore very good.

Finally, the fact that the menu changes a lot during the year also reassures us that the restaurant is good.

Appearance and eating with the eyes

The last of 3 restaurant recommendations it is related to our sense of sight which must definitely be considered.

Then a well-kept restaurant with furnishings that have to do with the proposed menu, but without too many frills, is a good indication.

A good restaurant must show its character without going overboard.

For example, look for food guide stickers that need to be as current as possible.

Even the appearance of the dishes should not be underestimated, in fact they must make you want to eat them with your eyes.

But if the toppings are more than the main course, that's not a good sign.

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